I Was Connected to Earth’s Black Market From Another World With The Skill [Market]! – Chapter 293

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Chapter 293 – A Resurrected Grudge


Apostles of the Saints? What’s that?

“Huh, that’s a natural reaction.”

Myrril nodded. Well, I don’t know what she means, but I can’t help but wonder where the Saint came from. If we’re talking about a clumsy saint who goes into the field with her own tools, it’s hard to imagine her using other people as her messengers. I would even go so far as to say that Rinko herself is an apostle. A creative impulse or something.

“Apparently, this story was the source of Hjelmar’s misunderstanding. The higher-ups in the Republic, like the Council, are keeping the information to themselves, and that’s why there’s confusion on the ground.”

Myrril-san was taken aback, and Hjelmar, who was nearby chewing on a cookie, grumbled with a dissatisfied look on his face.

“There was no saint in the Republic. When you hear about a saint working behind the scenes in the Republic, you usually think it’s Segusrinkov!”

No, I don’t know. I still can’t get used to that Russian-sounding pronunciation, but, well, maybe Rinko is indeed working behind the scenes. But mainly on the technical side.

“Segusrinkov, who was feared as the “Devil of the Empire,” suddenly disappeared from the public at some point. There were rumors that she had been purged by the military, but when I looked into it, I found that the information was sloppily controlled, and the timing, circumstances, and accusations varied. Even after her disappearance, there were sporadic occurrences of strange and unorthodox technology and unusual combat situations in various parts of the country, so the Council and the Magic Academy were convinced that the ‘Imperial Devil’ Rinkov was still alive.”

“Well, she is alive. She is doing well. But I wonder if half of the extraordinary technology and combat is her own weaponry?”

“Not only half, but almost all of it. I heard that Rinkov’s technology was hardly involved in the battle.”

Ecla-san shook her head in dismay. The child elf who had been running around was looking at me with resentment.

“No such information has reached the Republic. There is only word that the Saint of the Empire is gathering a rebel army.”

If it was a banditry of defeated soldiers, but if the Imperial Government was involved, we could not leave it alone. So, the Council sent a request for investigation to the Magic Academic Special Zone, and Hjelmar was sent there. That much was good.

“As I continued my investigation, the story emerged that Rinkov had been taken to Casemaian after being entangled by the Demon King.”

“That is not how it happened.”

“She was taken by the Casemaian; that’s a fact!”

He looks like he’s saying it’s not my fault, but since we’ve known each other for a while, don’t you think there’s something wrong?

I might not think so.

“Rinko escaped from the Empire to Casemaian of her own free will. Since then, she has lived a very happy life. She came to the Republic a few times as the captain of a flying ship.”

“Even though I pointed out the mistake, those who have never met her must still be suspicious of her. After all, we are dealing with the ‘Devil of the Empire.'”

I’ve heard that name several times, but it seems that the name itself was given to Rinko, not a misunderstanding. If they knew her, they wouldn’t have called her that.

“What is the origin of that devil’s name? It doesn’t really fit with the impression I have of her.”

“She developed the Golem’s weapon, didn’t she? Apparently, someone else took credit for it.”

“It would seem so. Devil or not, her technological development skills are on par with the dwarves.”

“More than dwarves. Her healing magic surpasses that of the elves. She’s a monster beyond measure because she comes from the same land as Takifu.”

“”I see.””

Hey, you two hapless elves. Don’t just “I see” it. Aside from Rinko, I’ve only been blessed with business dealings myself, and my abilities are only a hair above the average human’s… but I doubt they’ll get the message.

“Have you seen the ‘Saintess of the Empire’ herself?”

“Yes. She always wears armor, so I don’t think we can see her face.”

Heh… I mean, huh?

I have a bad feeling about this. As usual, it is probably not even a premonition. I glance at Myrril, but she quickly looks away. She is clearly upset.

“…E-Ecla-dono. Besides the armor… have you heard of the devil?”

“The name is ‘Byugi’ or something like that. She wears a black emperor’s cloak and silver armor and has a funny, fidgety walk.”


Hey, seriously. That characteristic was the former Saint of the kingdom that I met on my way back from Tarantaren, the territory of the United Tribes. I was told that Minya had incapacitated her again, but since it was not a corpse, I did not retrieve it. I don’t know what happened to her after that, but she seemed to have survived in good health. It is like a ghost out of the season to come back to life at this late stage.

“…Your Majesty the Demon King, Your Majesty the Queen…”

Oh no. we’ve been exposed. Ecla-san is in condescending mode.

“Are you involved in this again?”

“No, no, no, we’re not involved… but…”

Myrril shakes her head at the look I give her. This is not going to be a good escape.

“She may be wearing Imperial military gear, but she was not summoned by the Empire.”

“Do you know who this Byugi is?”

I nodded.

“Probably a saint of the kingdom, summoned from the other world at the same time as I was.”

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