Striving For The Luxury Liner – Vol 17 Chapter 2

TN: Please read my translations only on my website since I never give my permission to any site to host my translations. And if you like my translations, please support this site on Ko-fi and Patreon to read several chapters ahead!


Chapter 2 – Fortified City

The rarity of Pent and the beauty of Alessia-san and the others attracted merchants and mercenaries, and we fled Toyen with little time for sightseeing. Our destination was an ancient ruined royal capital, said to be located in a dangerous area of the vast desert. It might not even exist, but I think it is full of romance.

“Hey, Wataru. It’s about Pent.”

We went to bed at dawn and woke up a little after noon to have a late breakfast together when Alessia-san spoke to me while looking at Pent.

“What’s wrong with Pent?”

I wondered what was wrong with Pent, who was in a good mood after being submerged in a rubber boat filled with seawater.

“Our destination is the desert, will you take him there?”

…I wanted to take him with me, but when I was asked again, I became worried. Pent can live on land to a certain extent, but he is basically a monster who prefers watery places.

Otherwise, a lot of sea serpents would have been found on land.

If I put him on the Ranger and let him bathe in the sea once in a while, he would be full of energy, but in the desert, I wonder if it would be too hard for him.

It’s not even possible to ride the Ranger in the desert. It won’t break, but I think it might get stuck in the sand.

There’s a hovercraft, so it’s not like I can’t take him with me, but that’s another matter if it’s not too hard for Pent.

Besides, hovercrafts are conspicuous. As expected, the authority of the mage controlling the huge ship hasn’t spread here, so it would certainly be inconvenient.

“I’ll think about it until we leave.”

“Yes, think about it carefully for Pent’s sake.”

A sea serpent crawling through the desert… It’s not normal when you think about it.

Hmm, I wonder if there are other ships for sale besides hovercrafts that are inconspicuous and can move through the desert?

I’ll open the ship purchase screen and check it out.

In manga and novels, there are sailboats that run on sand, but… they are not included in the list of special ships.

It seems that they don’t sell that kind of unique ship. I wonder if there really is such a thing as a sand sailboat.

I’m curious, but right now, I’m thinking of Pent, not a sailing ship that runs in the desert.

I could do something about it if I wanted to, but I think it would be better if Pent stayed in a safe place.

If that’s the case, it would be at sea. But I’m afraid to let him wait in the sea. If we are close by, we can handle it, but there are monsters in the vast sea that are no match for young Pent.

Since he is working with us, he is a high-level sea serpent, but it would be a good idea not to be overconfident.

Although it would reduce the number of slots for Ship Summoning, would it be best to sink the Dolphin to the bottom of the sea and let it stay there, with only the Pent able to get in and out of the ship?

I could put some food on the Dolphin that would last a day and then just tell him not to leave the Dolphin too often.

It will be lonely, but I’m beginning to think that staying at sea is the safest thing to do.

“Pent. We’re going to a place called the desert, where there’s a lot of sand and very little water. Do you want to come with us or stay at sea?”

I think it would be better for him to stay at sea, but I’d better check Pent’s intention as well.

“Huh? Oh, you mean it’ll be harder than it is now?”

Pent nodded his head as he said this. I wonder why it’s so hard to understand his communication compared to Rimu’s?

“Yes, I think the environment will be much, much harder.”

It’s a desert, so it pretty much isn’t the right word.

“Can I stay at sea? Yes, sorry, thank you.”

Somehow, I got the feeling that Pent was being considerate of us, and I was terribly sorry. I hope he will forgive me because I will make the food which will last as long as possible, as luxurious as possible.

I gently stroke Pent’s slippery scales with all the gratitude I can muster.

“Alessia, please stop at the sea.”

Perhaps understanding everything I said, Alessia-san nodded at me with a friendly face.


We stopped at the sea, and then I summoned the Dolphin to a deep place out in the sea and asked Pent to stay behind by opening the entrance and exit so that he could freely enter and leave the ship.

Since it was not in the open sea, there would be no monsters hostile to Pent, and he would be able to escape to the Dolphin immediately, so he would almost certainly be safe.

I had also left some potions with him, so even if there was a small accident, he would be fine.

After parting ways with Pent, we set off at breakneck speed toward our destination.

We stayed in hut boats and tents while it was light, and when night fell, we repeated the blast in the Add and the Ranger.

We gradually became accustomed to night travel and developed an efficient life cycle.

We spent the night just moving around, and just before daybreak, we secured a campsite.

I would call the Hideaway and prepare for baths and other personal activities I could not perform in the camp.

When night falls, I repatriate the Hideaway and go to bed.

We wake up in the early afternoon, eat a meal, and leave.

We walk at a leisurely pace until dark, experiencing the unknown nature without making movement our main goal.

We are sometimes attacked by monsters, but many of the ones that appear near the road are weak, and Alessia-san and the others take care of them in an instant. Since we have secured the magic stones and the subjugation parts of the monsters, it is a good way to make some extra money.

More annoying than the monsters are the merchants and mercenaries who pass us on foot.

It is not a problem when they just stare at Alessia-san and the others, but the mercenaries who try to pick them up while escorting the merchants are annoying. And I am surprised that even the merchants occasionally join in.

We pass them with a smile or, on rare occasions, with an iron fist, and if there is a village in between, we stop. We continued on a journey that felt like a great adventure.


Through meadows, through forests, through wilderness, we finally arrived at the fortified city, the gateway out of the desert.


I was so overwhelmed by the fortified city that I could only make a very simple comment.

The other members of the group seemed to agree, standing still and gazing dazedly at the fortified city.

Finally, my head began to spin.

This fortified city is unfair. I, who should not have the slightest artistic sensibility, was made to feel as if I were looking at a masterpiece.

Because this is Morocco.

Just when my mind was turning in the other direction, thinking that I would soon be in the desert and that traveling in the desert would be difficult, I saw an exotic city that looked like the fortified city of Morocco that I had seen on television. [T/n: Probably Ksar of Ait-Ben-Haddou.]

Besides, the timing was bad.

I think the situation is divine, like a Moroccan-inspired fortified city lit red by the setting sun.

Even I, with my dull sensibilities, can’t help but be taken by it.

“I’ve never seen a landscape like this before…”

Ines, who was standing next to me, murmured. She probably didn’t even notice that she was muttering because her eyes were glued to the city in front of her.

Everyone else was staring at the view.

I had seen a similar view before, but it was on a television screen, so perhaps my recovery was quicker than theirs.

To be honest, I want to look at this view until the sun sets, but it will be dark soon, and if we are going to enter the fortified city, we need to get moving.

I call out to Alessia-san and the others to come to their senses and head for the fortified city.

As we enter the fortified city after being checked at the gate, we are met with another exotic landscape.

Maybe it is because the desert is a completely different environment from the places where we have spent our lives, or maybe it is because of the different costumes, lifestyles, and even the buildings in the fortified city.

Again, I almost got lost in the scenery… Huh? Wouldn’t putting these clothes on the women’s team save them from most of the trouble?

Self-preservation rather than exotic sentiment came to my face when I saw the outfits of the people walking down the street.

Everyone on the street was dressed in long, robe-like garments that covered their entire bodies and hoods that covered everything but their eyes, similar to Arab folk costumes.

If the women were fully equipped with these clothes, there would be almost no more conflicts caused by getting lost in the charms of Alessia-san and the others, Ines and Felicia.

“I’m sorry. Where can I buy clothes like those you are wearing?”

I hurriedly called to a person in a traditional costume walking nearby.

“Huh? Ah, you’re from the outside. It must be hard for you here in that outfit.”  

He seemed surprised by my sudden approach but seemed convinced by my outfit and politely told me where to find a clothing store.

It’s not that I wanted to change my clothes because I’m in pain, but it seems that the clothes I’m wearing now are not suitable for this environment. I decided to buy clothes not only for the ladies but also for myself.

I call out to Alessia-san and the others, who are looking at the exotic cityscape, and head for the clothing store I was told about.

Alessia-san said we should make arrangements for lodging first, but I dismissed her suggestion. They should be more aware of their own good looks.

“This is the place.”

We arrived at the clothing store the local man told us about. He first told us about a store that sold used clothes, but since I am also a man, I wanted the ladies to wear new clothes.

I heard it was expensive, but I was determined to loosen my purse strings and came to the clothing store.

Even if it’s a little expensive, we killed a lot of monsters on the way, so we’ll probably be okay.

“Heh. This fabric has a nice feel to it.”

“Ara? I didn’t know they had ornaments as well.”

“The clothes themselves are simple, so you can add some style with the ornaments, right?”

“Most of the clothes are black and white, but there are some with styles in them.”

“Wow, that’s a lot of exposure. Is it safe to go out in this?”

…It probably… should be fine.

I get excited when I see the clothes, but I’m sure they also understand our budget situation.

The sight of beautiful women frolicking together should be a sight for sore eyes, but it makes me nervous in a different way.

Hmm? Revealing clothes? Where?

Inspired by the words I couldn’t miss, I looked around the store and found a collection of revealing clothes in a corner of the store.

“This is…”

It’s what is commonly known as a dancer’s outfit.

I had seen Alessia-san and the others in bikinis, so it was not as revealing, but the see-through skimpiness of these outfits was very attractive.

If Alessia-san and the others or Ines and Felicia wear them and dance passionately… I’ll buy them.

I don’t have enough money.

Why is it more expensive than regular clothes when it’s made of thin fabric and has the smallest fabric area?

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3 thoughts on “Striving For The Luxury Liner – Vol 17 Chapter 2

  1. “Why is it more expensive than regular clothes when it’s made of thin fabric and has the smallest fabric area?”

    Not because the see-through fabric is very difficult and time-consuming to make without specialized machinery? Dumb MC strikes again.


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